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Call For Papers

Participants are invited to submit the abstracts in one of the following themes:
  1. computational methods,
  2. laboratory and field experiments,
  3. environmental hydraulics,
  4. other issues related to research on the aquatic environment.

For ISH2025 a 2 step submission applies with a short abstract followed by an extended abstract or a full paper.
Full Papers will be published in the SPRINGER series: GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences

The book with papers from the XXX , XXXII , XXXIVXXXVIXXXVIII and XL.
Articles are indexed by Scopus and usually by Web of Science.

Extended Abstracts will be published on the website in the electronic book of abstracts and in the book series "Publications of the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences".
Both types of contributions will be peer-reviewed, and a DOI will be assigned after publication.



(until 9 January 2025 23 January 2025 - extended)

Due to many requests received after the main short abstract submission was closed, the organizers of the ISH2025 Conference have decided to open the late abstract submission. For the late abstracts, authors must submit a short abstract along with an extended abstract/full paper in one form by 9 January 2025 23 January 2025 (extended).


  1. Presenting author have to register first before submitting the abstract. A link to the abstract submission form will be provided in the pre-registration confirmation e-mail.
  2. The length of the Short Abstact is limited to 1000 - 1500 characters. Upper and lower cases are allowed.
  3. The official language of ISH2025 is English. Authors must make sure that the abstract has been written in proper English. No translation facilities will be provided during the event.
  4. Please inspect your abstract carefully before submitting. However, should you find it necessary, changes will be permitted within the submission deadline.
  5. A maximum of 1 contribution may be presented by a single registered author throughout the whole ISH2025. 

(For the authors with a short abstract submitted previously and accepted, a deadline for submitting an extended abstract / full paper is 9 January 2025 23 January 2025 - extended)



  1. The length of the Extended Abstract should be a maximum of 3 pages including figures. Please make sure that the figures are of good quality. The authors should provide comprehensive details of their work in a concise form. 
  2. Extended Abstracts may be uploaded as WORD (*.doc, *.docx). The file may not exceed 10MB.
  3. Please make sure your Extended Abstract is formatted accordingly to the template



  1. The length of the Full Paper should be about 10 pages of the given format including figures. Please make sure that the figures are of good quality. The authors should provide comprehensive details of their work in a concise form.
  2. Full Papers may be uploaded as WORD (*.doc, *.docx). The file may not exceed 10MB.
  3. Please make sure your Full Paper is formatted accordingly to the templates provided below
      Please download the ZIP file onto your PC and read the instructions.       LaTeX template available on request.


All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee Members. Notifications of acceptance will be sent via email to the presenting author by 27 February 2025. The correspondence will be a system notification, therefore please check your SPAM / JUNK folder shall you not have this e-mail in your inbox after February 27th.

Important note

The manuscript must be prepared according to the instructions.
An additional fee may be charged to authors if very extensive editorial corrections must be made by the ISH Editorial Office.

All the contributions (Extended Abstracts and Full Papers) will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and the presenting authors will be informed of Extended Abstract / Full Paper acceptance by 27 February 2025. Please note, that you may also be requested to proceed with the necessary changes to your file. All correspondence (paper correction request / paper acceptance letter) will be a system notification, therefore please check your SPAM / JUNK folder shall you not have this email in your inbox after February 27th.


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